Saturday, June 24, 2006

Wow! City Paper recognizes the Bitch Blog

Some people think I should post more often. Wish I could, but I work 15 hours a day, 5 days a week giving tours. I am what you call a WORKING TOUR GUIDE, unlike some who work when the notion moves them., like it's a hobby or something. Being a professional tour guide is a career, something you work at. I challenge you guys out there to take a tour with a part-time hobby-style tour guide, and then take a tour by a working professional. Yeah, we're both licensed by the City of Charleston, but Burt Reynolds and Clint Eastwood were the most popular movie stars of the 1970s . . . . anybody lining up for a Burt Reynolds movie these days?

A small rant. It's hot. I'm giving 6 carriage tours a day, followed up by 2 walking tours in the evening. I love standing on the sidewalk (working) telling a story and some local braindead motorist drives by and hollers out the window, "Charleston don't have no
f*%#ing ghosts!"

First of all . . . what makes you think it's a ghost tour? Not every nighttime tour is a ghost tour. We do The Dark Side of Charleston- stories of drinking, murder and prostitution (which your mother may know something about, by the way).

Second, why not show some gonads and actually heckle when you have eye contact with me? Or better yet, let me come to YOUR place of employment and heckle you? I can promise, my complaints will be more clever than yours.

I also heard through the grapevine that some members of a carriage company were upset about my description of some of my fellow carriage drivers. I wonder what they recognized in the descriptions that made them think I was describing them?


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