Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ted Turner & Wolf Blitzer - Diplomatic Giants

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, in an interview for the September 20 "Situation Room," questioned President Bush about Iran and wondered, "Why would it be so bad if this Iranian regime had a nuclear weapon?"

“They're a sovereign state,” Ted 'I married & divorced Hanoi Jane' Turner said of Iran. 'We have 28,000. Why can't they have 10? We don't say anything about Israel -- they've got 100 of them approximately -- or India or Pakistan or Russia. And really, nobody should have them. They aren't usable by any sane person.” [italics mine]

I guess that means Ted 'I married & divorced Hanoi Jane' Turner considers the leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to be a sane person. Maybe Ted forgot that Ahmadinejad has promised to eridcate Israel from the face of the earth by any means necessary. Naaa, of course Ted, hasn't forgotten . . . he just doesn't care.

To answer your questions, Ted and Wolf, about why it would be so bad for this Iranian regime to have 10 nuclear weapons, I give you 10 reasons.

1. Jeruselum
2. New York
3. Washington, DC
4. Los Angeles
5. San Francisco
6. Chicago
7. Boston
8. Dallas
9. Minneapolis
10. Atlanta

Ted and Wolf are the kind of so-called 'intellectuals' that other so-called 'intellectuals' look up to? Ted 'I married Hanoi Jane' Turner being called an intellectual is like calling Justin Timberlake a great singer, or calling Will Ferrell funny. An indication of how low modern standards have fallen.

By the way, here's another comment by 'intellectual' Ted 'I married Hanoi Jane' Turner. "Men should be barred from public office for 100 years in every part of the world .... It would be a much kinder, gentler, more intelligently run world. The men have had millions of years where we've been running things. We've screwed it up hopelessly. Let's give it to the women."

Not long after that, Ted expressed his hope that the next U.S. President would be a 'great leader who thinks ahead, like Al Gore.' Unless Al is planning to have a sex change operation, 'intellectual' Ted had already forgotten his previous 'women only' remark.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SOBs Support CRAP!

CHARLESTON, SC (Roto-Reuters News Service) - The city of Charleston, South Carolina filed a reparations lawsuit today against the United States Army, charging that the loss of property the white citizens suffered in 1865 after the conclusion of the Civil War has cost the city billions of dollars over the last 141 years.

City Attorney Calhoun Rutledge Alston Pinckney, Jr. - usually called CRAP, Jr. by associates - said the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court was a serious attempt to “finally hold the U.S. military liable for the damages caused by winning the War, and confiscating the property of our citizens.”

The lawsuit also names descendents of former Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and General William Tecumseh Sherman, charging these men as being the most responsible for the damages inflicted upon Charleston. Lincoln because as president during the war he was the commander in Chief of the United State military. Grant and Sherman were named because they were the commanding generals at the conclusion of the war, and inflicted the most damage.

“We have no personal animosity against these families,” CRAP, Jr. stated, ”but fair is fair. Since their ancestors caused the damage the family should be liable. If the cigarette companies are liable for the health risk their products inflict upon the consumer, if California can sue the automobile manufacturers for greenhouse gases, and if a woman can win a million dollars because the coffee was too hot, why can't the good white people of Charleston get reparations for their loss?"

It was the amazing success of the so-called "9/11-Wright Brothers suit" that convinced CRAP, Jr., the Civil War reparation suit should be filed. The families of the 3000+ victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks filed a class action suit against the family of Wilbur and Orville Wright claiming that "if the brothers had never perfected air flight, the 9/11 tragedy could have been averted."

CRAP, Jr. immediately contacted the lead lawyer of the 9/11 class action suit, South Carolina attorney Bill Green. Upon Green's advice, the city decided to file the reparations suit.

Green stood with Mayor So Biley behind CRAP, Jr. during the announcement. They were joined by more than 3000 local citizens who have voiced enthusiastic support for the lawsuit. Each male supporter was attired in a pale blue seersucker suit and carried a wooden walking stick. Each female in attendance wore a long white dress, tasteful hat and carried a parasol. They were also handing out buttons and bumper stickers that read: SOBs support CRAP!

After the announcement, this reporter asked Biley, the longest serving mayor in U.S. history, having been elected for his first term in 1939: "Sir, since the half cents sales tax money has been squandered paying for legal fees in the annexing battle with James Island, is this lawsuit not just an attempt to channel more funds into the black hole we call the Aquarium and to subsidize the phantom riders of CARTA ?"

Mayor Biley responded. Absolutely not! As everyone well knows, the Aquarium is Charleston's most visited attraction. It says so in the Brochure! And CARTA is fast becoming the standard for all mass transit systems in the world. Anyway, this lawsuit is NOT for the city, it is for the citizens. It is an attempt to repair a wrong. However, if this lawsuit is not successful in procuring money for our suffering citizens, we are investigating the possiblilty, through a little known loophole we have discovered, of annexing Washington, D.C. We have also discussed the possiblity of suing the Lord God Amighty for reparations due to the 1886 earthquake and the devastation of Hurricane Hugo in 1989. Three of our local Anglican ministers assure us they have a direct line to Him, and CRAP assures me we have a strong case.

Attempts by this reporter to contact the Almighty for His comment have been so far unsuccessful, being Methodist instead of Anglican.

This reporter then asked Biley: "Sir, since this lawsuit is only for the benefit of white Charlestonians, explain to me the reasoning behind the decision to preclude African Americans from the suit?" Biley answered, "It's simple. The blacks didn't lose anything. They gained their freedom, while the whites lost their property. I think that is self-evident."

When asked what the city would do if all these plans failed, Biley replied, “Well, we'll just have to cecede . . . I mean, see . . . won't we?”

This reporter is off to sue his parents for raising me as a Methodist, not an Anglican, thus putting me on hold with God, not a direct line.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


LOCAL: North Charleston Ombudsman, James Bell & North Charleston City Councilman Bob King.

"Hey bud, park your car in MY spot, and I'll key your SUV. Not once, but twice! And on videotape. And then, I'll deny it! Take that! And for the hell of it, if you take me to court, I'll put some shaving cream under your door handle."

And you wonder what's wrong with South Carolina? You wonder why we remain mired in the bottom 5 in education? With civic leaders that act like third-graders, who needs Goodloe Johnson? Bet these two North Chuck politicos are products of the South Carolina Public Education system.

Good thing they have time to waste on school yard pettiness. Good thing there is no crime, no rampant shootings and drug problems in North Charleston. Guarantee that both of these guys keep their positions, and after next election, they're still on the job.

People of North Charleston, you deserve it. How about we trade you Mayor Joe for Bob and James. But people of Hanahan, prepare to be annexed.

NATIONAL: Peter Singer

Who is Peter Singer? Glad you asked.

He is an internationally known Princeton "bioethicist" and animal-rights activist who says he would kill disabled babies if it were in the "best interests" of the family, because he sees no distinction in the child's life whether it is born or not.

Singer stated that believes the next few decades will see a massive upheaval in the concept of life and rights, with only "a rump of hard-core, know-nothing religious fundamentalists" still protecting life as sacrosanct. To the rest of the enligthened, it will be a commodity to be re-evaluated regularly for its worth.

When asked, “Would you kill a disabled baby?" Singer answered, "Yes, if that was in the best interests of the baby and of the family as a whole. Many people find this shocking, yet they support a woman's right to have an abortion.”

Singer holds that man is no different from other forms a life, and therefore man's life is not worth more than, for example, a cow. He also advocated the closure of health research centers where animals are used and said it's not at all unreasonable to ascribe human characteristics to animals. "Anyone who ascribes rights to babies or humans with intellectual disabilities must be willing to attribute rights to beings who can't understand the concept," Singer said.

Okay - a baby with a club foot, or pork chops in the freezer. Which would you choose?

Monday, September 11, 2006


“Every attempt to make war easy and safe will result in humiliation and disaster.” -Gen. William T. Sherman

As far as I am concerned, the time for memorials has passed. I never watch TV news anyway, and today would be a great day for everyone to boycott them. Because all you're going to get is a series of self-absorbed memorials. What we need is NOT sugar-coated memorials, but 24 hours of video of the planes slamming into the World Trade Center, followed by the panicked people of New York fleeing for their lives as the towers collapsed, then followed by the videos of the decapitations of Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg's by adherants to the Religion of Peace - Islam. How peaceful are they? The reason Pearl and Berg were beheaded - they were Jewish.

Our current political leaders have pulled back from the commitment to protect this country from religious extremists. But, maybe its just the wrong religion. I wonder what the response would have been if the Pentagon and World Trade Centers had been attacked by a group of pro-life southern Baptists? Would the ACLU be calling for restraint and fairness in dealing with these 'insurgents'? Would the ACLU be lobbying to view these people NOT as soldeirs, but dealing with these combatants as criminals? Would the ACLU be volunteering to represent these 'insurgents' in court? Would they be calling them 'insurgents'?

“The carping and bickering of political factions in the nation's capital reminds me of two pelicans quarreling over a dead fish.” - General William T. Sherman

My main complaint against the War of Terror is this - it's a poorly run war. There is only one way to conduct a war - full out 100% to the max. You have to love politicians who refuse to learn from history. One of the main reasons Vietnam was a failure was because the military was restricted from conducting war to the max. Another of the main reasons was that the media decided to do their best to erode any support the American people may have had for the war. The battle in Iraq shold be viewed as that - a battle, just as Normandy was a battle, just as Desden was a battle in the greater conflict called World War II. Iraq is just one of many battles that will take place over the next decade between the western culture and its sworn enemy -Islamic fascism.For those of you who are not sure what fascism is . . i.e. those who love to refer to our currrent President as a fascist, here is a definition from the American Heritage dictionary:

fas‧cism  –noun
1. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

CBS/ABC/NBC, one of those networks I never watch, is broadcasting a mini-series titled “The Road to 9/11” and many political factions are upset that some of the facts in the film are not true. Did they complain when Michael Moore's factually spotty "Fahrenheit 911" was showing on thousands of movie screens across America? I have no problem with mass media films taking "artistic license". Michael Moore made a very entertaining film, which played loose with some facts in order to make his political point. Okay. I didn't see anyone in the government trying to shut him down, or asking him to re-edit his film. in fact, amny in the government embraced Moore. Remember him sitting in the box during the Democratic National Convention next to former Pres. Carter?

How about being consistent. You either have to be FOR factual accuracy, or not. Don't do it on a case-to-case basis. What's good for the goose, etc . . . And for God's sake, don't try to be in charge of content of a so-called "fictional film based on historic accounts". Those who are trying to limit what a group of artists (film makers) can broadcast are coming close to the definition of fascism.

In case some of you have forgotten, or conveniently ignored the facts, here is a list of some of the things that led up to the "War on Terror".

-- November 1979: Muslim extremists (Iranian variety) seized the U.S. embassy in Iran and held 52 American hostages for 444 days, following Democrat Jimmy Carter's masterful foreign policy granting Islamic fanaticism its first real foothold in the Middle East.
-- 1982: Muslim extremists (mostly Hezbollah) began a nearly decade-long habit of taking Americans and Europeans hostage in Lebanon, killing William Buckley and holding Terry Anderson for 6 1/2 years.
-- April 1983: Muslim extremists (Islamic Jihad or possibly Hezbollah) bombed the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, killing 16 Americans.
-- October 1983: Muslim extremists (Hezbollah) blew up the U.S. Marine barracks at the Beirut airport, killing 241 Marines.
-- December 1983: Muslim extremists (al-Dawa) blew up the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait, killing five and injuring 80.
-- September 1984: Muslim extremists (Hezbollah) exploded a truck bomb
at the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut, killing 24 people, including two U.S. servicemen.
-- December 1984: Muslim extremists (probably Hezbollah) hijacked a Kuwait Airways airplane, landed in Iran and demanded the release of the 17 members of al-Dawa who had been arrested for the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait, killing two Americans before the siege was over.
-- June 14, 1985: Muslim extremists (Hezbollah) hijacked TWA Flight 847 out of Athens, diverting it to Beirut, taking the passengers hostage in return for the release of the Kuwait 17 as well as another 700 prisoners held by Israel. When their demands were not met, the Muslims shot U.S. Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem and dumped his body on the tarmac.
-- October 1985: Muslim extremists (Palestine Liberation Front backed by Libya) seized an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, killing 69-year-old American Leon Klinghoffer by shooting him and then tossing his body overboard.
-- December 1985: Muslim extremists (backed by Libya) bombed airports in Rome and Vienna, killing 20 people, including five Americans.
-- April 1986: Muslim extremists (backed by Libya) bombed a discotheque frequented by U.S. servicemen in West Berlin, injuring hundreds and killing two, including a U.S. soldier.
-- December 1988: Muslim extremists (backed by Libya) bombed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 on board and 11 on the ground.
-- February 1993: Muslim extremists (al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, possibly with involvement of friendly rival al Qaeda) set off a bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center, killing six and wounding more than 1,000. The Clinton administration treated it as a crime, not an attack.
-- Spring 1993: Muslim extremists (al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, the Sudanese Islamic Front and at least one member of Hamas) plot to blow up the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, the U.N. complex, and the FBI's lower Manhattan headquarters.
-- November 1995: Muslim extremists (possibly Iranian "Party of God")
explode a car bomb at U.S. military headquarters in Saudi Arabia, killing five U.S. military servicemen.
-- June 1996: Muslim extremists (13 Saudis and a Lebanese member of Hezbollah, probably with involvement of al Qaeda) explode a truck bomb outside the Khobar Towers military complex, killing 19 American servicemen and injuring hundreds.
-- August 1998: Muslim extremists (al Qaeda) explode truck bombs at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 and injuring thousands.
-- October 2000: Muslim extremists (al Qaeda) blow up the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole, killing 17 U.S. sailors.
-- Sept. 11, 2001: Muslim extremists (al Qaeda) hijack commercial aircraft and fly planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, killing nearly 3,000 Americans.

“War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.” - General William T. Sherman

To those of you who are still addicted to TV news, mainsteam newspapers and magazines, how many of these events do you remember? Have you heard these events mentioned in the last five years? If you have, I'm sure it was not mentioned in the context as part of the War on Terror. The news media are not in business to educate you, they are in business to make money and push an agenda that is “progessive” (i.e. socialist). Remember the Vietnam conflict?

“I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.” - General William T. Sherman

At some point, hopefully before it becomes too late, the majority of Americans will understand that this “War on Terror” will never end until the enemy is completely destroyed. Until people understand that our enemy is radical Islamists - people who are resolved to kill everyone who does not agree with them, and are commited to doing so, even if it means their death - this War will limp along like s-l-o-w-l-y pulling a Band-Aid off a wound. The only way to defeat an enemy who wants to destroy your way of life is to kill them and destroy their way of life.

I see these cars with bumper stickers that say "STOP WAR". If we stopped the War On Terror today, what would happen? We would be attacked again and again by our enemies. What have you accomplished except being responsible for the death of thousands of civilians? A Pacifist is someone who doesn't believe in Evil.

The best way to stop war is defeat the enemy so completely that you will never have to worry about them attacking you again. As odd as it seems, the best way to get peace is wage total war. General Sherman understood that. What do you think would have happened if Sherman had not so completely destroyed the South's spirit by leaving behind utter desolation? I bet there would have been years of skirmishes between Union soldiers and pockets of Rebel units striking in quick guerrila raids - similar to what is happening in Iraq right now.

The politicians in charge of our country, from Pres. Bush all the way down to your local representive in Congress, will never have the backbone to wage this war as it should be until their constituents (YOU and ME!) convince them what needs to be done. The time for looking to politicans for courage and leadership is long gone. And the sad thing is, once the majority of Americans realize what needs to be done, it may be too late.

“If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity seeking.”- General William T. Sherman

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Response to P&C letter to the editor

Dear Susan Benedict,

The American Heritage Dictionary defines 'stupid' as “slow to learn or understand. Marked by a lack of intelligence or unaware”. It also defines 'ignorance' as “the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed”. As there is no real cure for stupidity and the cure for ignorance is education, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are the latter and not the former on the subject in which you decided to pontificate in a letter to The Post and Courier - protecting the carriage horses on the streets of Charleston.

As a tour guide and carriage driver for Palmetto Carriage Works, I appreciate everyone who shows an interest in our tourism industry - the industry that makes Charleston the desirable place it is to live. I particularly appreciate those who have a genuine interest in our carriage operation. I can assure you, Mrs./Ms./Miss Benedict, that if you had spent any time at all in the Big Red Barn at 8 Guignard Street, you would have never written the letter you did. It always amazes me that the people who complain the most about the equine carriage industry are people who have nothing to do with it! Let me address some of the points you raised line by line.

Charleston is known as one of America's most polite cities. Wouldn't it be great to also be known as one of America's most humane?

Did you do some research that indicates otherwise, Mrs./Ms./ Miss Benedict? The Charleston carriage has an exemplary record of animal care, one of the best in the United States. People who know the carriage industry are already aware of that. We have set the model for equine care in America - through our hard work, our love for this city and for our jobs, and through our respect for the animals in our care.

If humane conditions were conspicuously observed, more people would feel comfortable taking carriage rides. As a highly visible model for the humane care of the horses, not only would the horses benefit but the carriage business would benefit from the good will. The Charleston tourism business would no doubt receive a great deal of positive publicity nationally by initiating these standards.

Again, do you have some knowledge of inhumane conditions that I do not have? If so, please report it. It seems to me that many people (thousands a week) are comfortable taking carriage rides. During this past Labor Day weekend, Mrs./Ms./Miss Benedict, I worked a 10-12 hour shift on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. During those four days I conducted 24 carriage tours with a total of at least 200 people on board. Each of those customer spent time in the Big Red Barn. They played with the animals, witnessed our large, clean stalls, and watched our barn hands administer water and take animal temperatures after every tour (as required by city regulations).

I have been in this business for five years, and have seen very few people walk away with a feeling of ill will toward the carriage industry. We do our part EVERY DAY FOR 364 DAYS A YEAR to generate good will among the public. How often do you come down and help? That's pretty conspicuous, don't you think? The Charleston toursim business is already generating positive national publicity. The numbers of visitors to our city has increased every year. The number of people who come to Charleston who take a carriage ride HAS ALSO INCREASED.

In a survey of visitors the number one attraction that tourists claim they would do again is take a carriage ride. Not visit the Joe Riley Over-Budget-Price-Gouging Aquarium; not Patriots Point; not Boone Hall Plantation; not Middleton or Magnolia Plantation; not take in a game at the Joe Riley baseball stadium; not the Nathaniel Russell House, but TAKE A CARRIAGE RIDE. When people think of Charleston tourism the carriages are always one of the first things they mention.

At the corner where the route lottery is decided there should be a large and highly visible thermometer with a sign stating that the horse carriages do not operate when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Good luck getting the city to approve a “large and highly visible thermometer with a sign” on the corner of Market and Church Streets. Do you know anything about the strict codes and regulations downtown on the peninsula? And if it did read that “horse carriages do not operate when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit” it would be spreading false information. We can operate until the temperature reaches 98 degrees Fahrenheit (as mandated by city regulations - which has been under review for several months and the committee recommended the 98 degree standard as being within safe limits.)

If you had ever made a trip to the Big Red Barn, you would know that Palmetto Carriage ALREADY HAS A SIGN like you suggest on the front door of the barn. Every day at work I see dozens of people standing and reading OUR SIGN that describes that city's standards for animal care, and OUR standards, which are higher than the city in most instances. At the bottom is the name of my owner, his family and all the other employees of Palmetto Carriage that indicates our commitment to animal care.

Though this might take the horses off the street for a few hours in mid-day during the summer, favorable publicity about Charleston's humane carriage trade would produce an overall increase in the number of passengers and would most certainly be a positive aspect of our tourism.

I'm not sure how this would increase the number of passengers when it would reduce the number hours we have for operation. You do know that we have a limited number of hours in which we can conduct tours, don't you? By city regulation, we are only allowed to conduct tours within the historic residential district from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. (during daylight savings time) and until 5:00 p.m. (during standard time). I don't see how having less hours of operation will “increase” our business at all. And since we're already getting positive favorable publicity about our carriage industry (as we have discussed), I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

The number of passengers per carriage should further be limited to a burden that is reasonable for each animal. The Brooke Organization recommends no more than four passengers ride per carriage. Recently, accompanied by my out-of-town guests, I watched as one carriage was being loaded with 12 tourists, several of whom were obese.

Do you know what is reasonable for an animal to pull? Have you conducted a study of the pulling power of an equine animal? Do you work in the industry day-in-and-day-out, and have some experience with equine animals that would make your opinion and recommendation worthy of taking seriously? Who is the Brooke Organization that recommends four passengers per carriage? Do they also recommend if some of the passengers are obese, the number should be reduced to three passengers, or two?

The carriage you watched being loaded with 12 passengers was well within the limits of what the carriages and animals can handle. The large carriages are designed to carry up to 16 adult passengers. If you wish to limit the hours we can operate during the daytime, we'd better carry 16 or more on each carriage to be able to make up for the lack of business so we can turn a profit. But, you'll be happy to know that due to city regulations, the size and weight of a carriage is already restricted to a standard which takes into consideration animal, customer and traffic safety.

And by the way, we DO have carriages designed for four passengers Mrs./Ms./Miss Benedict - they are called private carriages. Come by the Big Red Barn and check them out.

Those with the power to do so should make the Charleston horse-carriage business one that is a model of humane care that will give visitors a good memory of their vacations. Even if a few visitors are unable to get a carriage ride during a few hours of extreme heat, they at least will leave knowing that, in addition to politeness, Charleston is an example of kindness as well.

Those with the power ARE making the carriage industry the model of humane care in America. I AM ONE OF THOSE WITH THE POWER. By showing up to work every day and being a conscientious tour guide, and respectful of my working partners (animals) I make a difference every day that I work. As do the rest of my fellow tour guides. As do the dedicated barn staff who are in charge of the day-to-day-hour-by-hour care of our animals. As do my company's owner and managers, Tom Doyle, Tommy Doyle, Ben Doyle and David Gwynn-Vaughn. What do you do every day to make the carriage industy the MODEL of humane care, Mrs./Ms./Miss Benedict?

Palmetto Carriage gets letters and e-mails from our customers on a regular basis praising our operation and telling us that they are going to recommend us to their friends. I also recieve letters and e-mails from former customers thanking me for helping to make their trip to Charleston so special. Tens of thousands of people go home from their Charleston vacations with a good memory of their trip, and their carriage ride.

Let me tell how serious Palmetto Carriage is about the health of our equine animals. We use mules instead of draft horses to pull our carriages. As you may or may not know, the mule is a sterile hybrid of a male donkey bred with a female horse. It has greater endurance and is stronger and less excitable than a horse. Depending on the need, different breeds of horses can be used to produce fine riding mules, heavy draft mules or medium-sized pack animals. In Medieval Europe, when horses were bred large to carry armored knights, mules were the preferred riding animal of gentlemen and clergy.

The King of Spain presented George Washington with a large black jack in 1785. This animal, "Royal Gift," is considered the father of the mule industry in the United States.Mules were once used to pull fire-fighting equipment and were often employed by armies to pull artillery and to remove the wounded from the battlefield. The twenty-mule team that hauled borax from Death Valley and other mining centers in the West has become part of American legend. Indeed, some western towns were originally laid out with extremely wide streets to allow the mule teams to turn around.

The main mule-breeding centers in the United States developed in Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri to provide work animals for the cotton fields of the Old South. After the American Civil War and the development of tenant farming throughout the South, the mule continued as the major draft animal in American agriculture. "Forty acres and a mule" was all one needed for self-sufficiency. The importance of the mule declined rapidly in the 1940s and 1950s, however, as gasoline-driven tractors became widespread, and mules all but disappeared from the American scene.

I invite you to come visit us at The Big Red Barn. Look at our mules and horses - yes we have both. Our horses only pull the smaller 4 person private carriages. Feel free to come to our barn at any time during working hours. It is open to the public. We don't have any equine torture chambers hidden in the basement either.