Thursday, September 14, 2006


LOCAL: North Charleston Ombudsman, James Bell & North Charleston City Councilman Bob King.

"Hey bud, park your car in MY spot, and I'll key your SUV. Not once, but twice! And on videotape. And then, I'll deny it! Take that! And for the hell of it, if you take me to court, I'll put some shaving cream under your door handle."

And you wonder what's wrong with South Carolina? You wonder why we remain mired in the bottom 5 in education? With civic leaders that act like third-graders, who needs Goodloe Johnson? Bet these two North Chuck politicos are products of the South Carolina Public Education system.

Good thing they have time to waste on school yard pettiness. Good thing there is no crime, no rampant shootings and drug problems in North Charleston. Guarantee that both of these guys keep their positions, and after next election, they're still on the job.

People of North Charleston, you deserve it. How about we trade you Mayor Joe for Bob and James. But people of Hanahan, prepare to be annexed.

NATIONAL: Peter Singer

Who is Peter Singer? Glad you asked.

He is an internationally known Princeton "bioethicist" and animal-rights activist who says he would kill disabled babies if it were in the "best interests" of the family, because he sees no distinction in the child's life whether it is born or not.

Singer stated that believes the next few decades will see a massive upheaval in the concept of life and rights, with only "a rump of hard-core, know-nothing religious fundamentalists" still protecting life as sacrosanct. To the rest of the enligthened, it will be a commodity to be re-evaluated regularly for its worth.

When asked, “Would you kill a disabled baby?" Singer answered, "Yes, if that was in the best interests of the baby and of the family as a whole. Many people find this shocking, yet they support a woman's right to have an abortion.”

Singer holds that man is no different from other forms a life, and therefore man's life is not worth more than, for example, a cow. He also advocated the closure of health research centers where animals are used and said it's not at all unreasonable to ascribe human characteristics to animals. "Anyone who ascribes rights to babies or humans with intellectual disabilities must be willing to attribute rights to beings who can't understand the concept," Singer said.

Okay - a baby with a club foot, or pork chops in the freezer. Which would you choose?


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